Saturday 15th February 2025

Practitioner Technologies is an Australian Business with headquarters in Brisbane QLD. It is the IT Division of Steeles Chartered Accountants, small business taxation and information technology specialists.
Licensed Products
Practitioner Technologies is responsible for the development of Cashdata â , Interactive Workpapers â and other products for sale to professional accountants, small businesses and self managed superannuation funds.
Practitioner Technologies have been continuously developing and refining these products over the last 27 years. Current products all operate on Microsoft Windows operating systems or with Microsoft Office applications. In addition to product development, we provide a range of support services including internet and telephone help desk, support club, training and publications.
Steele's Chartered Accountants provide technical support to Practitioner Technologies in the form of taxation and business law information and research.
Additionally, Steeles is an ideal venue for the monitoring of products developed by Practitioner Technologies as all products are in continuous use by the practice and the practice's clients. The feedback provided is invaluable for the testing, monitoring and enhancement of the products, providing continuous quality control. This ensures that the products developed by Practitioner Technologies are practical, effective and reliable.
Business Projects
Practitioner Technologies provides IT consultancy services and support to third parties to assist them in delivery of their specialist in-house and commercial products.

Consultancies have included products in the following fields:
1. Energy Market Pooling and Settlement Systems
2. Wholesale Energy Trading Applications
3. Security Access Systems
4. Freight Consignment and Despatch Costing Systems
5. Fruit and Vegetable Produce Market Systems
6. Web-based Documents Retrieval Systems
7. Strata Title Reporting
8. Accounting Software

  Notices & Events

Interactive Workpapers
There are extensive changes to superannuation. Interactive Workpapers is rewritten every year to ensure you have compliant comprehensive workpapers and calculations for your SMSF funds.

Interactive Workpapers is the only SMSF product that comes with seven separate market valuation data bases prepared by our best practice experts to precisely match each ATO Annual Return Asset Investment classification. We do the research effort saving you hours of unnecessary professional research time. No other offering delivers tens of thousands of ASX and public unlisted trust year end pricing data specially classified for the professional preparer of SMSF compliance reports and for the investment price point.

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